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How to save money on Plumbing

Tips from a Plumber

Tips from a Plumber

HIRING WELL-  There is no replacement when it comes to SAVING MONEY as in the practice of HIRING WELL.  Hiring a Licensed Master Plumber who is trained and certified in plumbing can save you a lot of money! Here's how...

Too many times as a Master Plumber, I have been hired to correct bad plumbing jobs that the owner has paid a plumbing handyman to do. It’s a shame! I wish people had hired well initially and not have to pay me to “fix the fix” These jobs are frequently done by handymen who have plumbing skills.  Some handymen will tell you they are licensed because they're  businesses are licensed and taxable but it does not denote proof of an individuals's plumbing skill and training.

 This is not the same as a trained, certified and Licensed Master Plumber.

The Master Plumbers license number will be displayed on their truck and website.  Each state determines licenses needed for plumbers.  

Our  #1 tip to SAVE MONEY on plumbing is to call a  Licensed Master first and get a FREE estimate

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